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Pye Tait Consulting

What are ‘green jobs’?
The term ‘green jobs’ has become a buzzword in recent years and is of increasing public and political interest. For example, the...

The Digital Mindset and Sticking-Plasters
The term “digital mindset” is beginning to be widely used in a variety of different contexts – in government reports, by business leaders...

Heads Up! The UK’s fastest growing industry is … Space
For more than half a century the British let others take the lead in space. From the 1970s onwards we abandoned our then advanced role in...

Shock & Awe
We are not even at peak pressure but it’s not too early to start thinking about the recovery. The principle of “shock and awe”was first...

Cyber Skills – the mountain to climb
We’ve been working with some of the UK’s top experts in the cyber security and digital skills fields for some time now on a variety of...

Brexit – Are we “out” or “not in”?
The Brexit Deal On 15 November 2018, the negotiators of the UK and the EU agreed a Brexit deal or Draft Withdrawal Agreement. In a...

Employee Engagement – just for the big boys?
The other day I had what is becoming a standard comment from SME employers on the subject of employee engagement. The managing director...

What is the point of T levels? Who are they for and what will they achieve?
Warm welcome In some quarters, T levels have been favourably received. Employers widely welcome the commitment to ‘real’ and quality work...

Time to shake things up?
In the final blog of this series, we consider the education dilemma behind the digital revolution. Many of us cherish fond memories of...

A radical approach to digital skills?
In the second blog of this series, we review the definition of ‘digital skills’, and the approach to training currently being taken in...

Mind the (digital) gap
In the first of a series of blogs focussing on digital skills training and education in the UK, we take a look at the widening gap in the...

How to prosper from Brexit
Okay. Let’s get the divisive bit over with right up front. A little over half of the nation wanted to leave the EU and a little under...

Engineering and Construction – dual skills needed for the future
How much reliance should we place in technology? How much should we trust that machines will always ‘get it right’? Hollywood spends...

T Levels – can stakeholders join the revolution and keep it real?
Is it a cliché to suggest that the only constancy in life is change? Perhaps, but it must feel very real from the perspective of the...

The Heritage Dilemma
Have you ever wondered why “heritage” attracts such strong feelings? It’s essential that we conserve the best of our heritage but what...

MOOCs – the future of corporate CPD?
In recent years, the MOOC – or Massive Open Online Course – has been causing a stir within the higher education scene in the United...

Should domestic builders be licensed?
Domestic building work in the UK is largely unregulated. In this context we are not concerned with electrical and gas installations...

The transformation of the energy sector
The energy sector is arguably one of the fastest changing industries in the UK. It comprises radically different sub-sectors, with coal...
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